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BZA Minutes from 9/21/2020

Minutes from a BZA meeting on 9/21/2020.


SEPTEMBER 21, 2020

In attendance: Herschel Hinkle, Ron Nunley, Tim Munro, Pam Shuck and Gary Shuck

6:30pm meeting called to order.

A Public Hearing was held to discuss the Application for Variance submitted by Stephanie & Derek Evelo for their property located at 818 N Main Street.  Evelo’s are going to use the former Masonic Lodge building as an Event Center.  Floor was opened for public comments and questions.  Hinkle questioned the number of parking spots, Evelo said there are 17 parking spots for the building.  Public comment was closed, Public Hearing was closed.  Motion to approve Variance for Special Use of an Event Center made by Munro, 2nd by Gary Shuck and all were in favor.

A Public Hearing was held to discuss the Application for Variance submitted by Scott & Tammy Hersberger for relief of setbacks at (1475 N Main Street proposed address).  Floor was opened for public comment and questions.  Deanna Yancey 1477 N Ford was present with Scott Baldwin to discuss the removal of trees from the property and asked that going forward the Hersbergers remain neighborly in clearing & building on their land.  It was noted that the home if drawn to scale appears to cover more than 60% of the lot which if it does would require another variance but, plans have not been presented to building inspector yet for approval.  Public comment was closed, public hearing was closed.  Motion to allow setbacks for Hersberger as shown on Application for Variance #4-2020 (attached) made by Nunley, 2nd by Munro and all were in favor.  Being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.


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